Create video treatments with music video frames
Create your next storyboard, treatment, or shot list. Easily search and save frames with Frame Set.
Thousands of music video, commercial, and movie frames
Search 116,454+ frames from 6,474 commercials, in addition to thousands of other music video and movie frames. Frame Set has an unparalleled collection of reference frames: Perfect for your next commercial treatment, shot list, and storyboard.

Easily find frames with a similar vibe
Our similarity search makes creating mood boards easier then ever before. When you come across a frame that catches your eye; with a single click you can see thousands of similar frames. It's great for finding new frames that have a similar vibe.

Powerful and flexible text search
Search whatever you want, however you want... it's as simple as that. Our search works if you're looking for something specific like someone doing yoga with a laptop, or something more abstract like something that feels like a Nike tv spot.

Other features include:
Create folders of frames for your next pitch, lookbook, or storyboards.
Filter searches by any color, saturation levels, number of people, age, and more...
Search by director, producer, set designer, or stylist to find inspiration.
Light Mode
Easily change the background of any search from dark to light.

Bernardo Marentes
Creative Director, Caravan

Alexander Rivera

Hannan Hussain
Find frames for your treatment today